A Favourite Custom (1909)
Unconscious Rivals (1893)
Silver Favourites (1903)
Anthony and Cleopatra (1885)
Caracalla and Geta (1907)
The Baths at Caracalla (1989)

The Roses of Heliogabalus (1888)
This last painting is my favourite piece of artwork ever. Legend has it that Alma-Tadema ordered giant shipments of roses from a faraway locale so he could get the petals just right and every time the flowers died, he'd order more so that he could always paint fresh velvety petals.
I do not consider Kim Kardashian's nude cover of W Magazine's "Art Issue" art, no matter how much the magazine tries to assert us that it is.
If Kim Kardashian Take Her Clothes off - Is it Art? -- The Atlantic Wire
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