Thursday, April 7, 2011

Amber Heard in Playboy (not the magazine)

NYMag just posted a slideshow of 25 upcoming pilots for the 2011-12 season and I'm looking forward to a whole bunch of them (the usual police procedurals). One of these pilots titled Playboy stars Amber Heard and it looks cheeky albeit a little bit cheesy. Here's how NYMag describes it:

"Mad Men–era setting + premium-cable risqué content (the actors have nudity clauses in their contracts) + mainstream-appealing plot twists (murder by stiletto) = entertainment."

Since it's on network television (NBC), it doesn't have the opportunity to be nearly as smart and sexy as it could be. I have a feeling it will just be a lot of kitsch an glamour and not a lot of substance but I will tune in in the fall nonetheless. I love Amber Heard and want to see what she brings to her character.

And just look at how adorable she is in her bunny costume! She's as cute as a button!


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